Welcome to Mitraspera e.V.,
We are a community for people who love the game world Mitraspera and actively contribute to it or have contributed to it in the past. We are united by the common wish that this world can continue to exist and be played in for a long time to come!
The game world Mitraspera consists of many thousands of pages of backgrounds, plots, stories, in-game texts, concepts, ideas and other material. Content that has been created both with the support of Live Adventure and by countless creative authors, game masters and players.
Mitraspera e.V. is a non-profit association and is committed to ensuring that all content created in the game world of Mitraspera continues to be available to the general public for non-commercial use without restriction or red tape. Furthermore, we want to create a transparent & collaborative framework for maintaining and further developing this game world without breaking with its inner logic.
The Mythopedia is one of our major projects to realize our association’s goals. In this very extensive wiki not only all contents of the game world Mitraspera will be made available, but all participants are explicitly invited to continue to grow and develop it. Therefore we are happy about any support for this project. To make it available to non-German Speakers, we are also extremely happy about support in translating the existing body of material!
However, our association even goes one step further. In addition to the careful maintenance, further development and use of the game world Mitraspera, we also want to initiate, accompany and support the development of other game worlds. As a particularly current project, we would like to mention the creation of the game world "Athyria", which found its origins at the beginning of 2021 and is currently being built. We explicitly want to invite you to browse through the contents of this world, to experience it at events, but of course also to participate in its further development.
And now we wish you a lot of fun in the Mythopedia!
Your Mitraspera e.V.
You can find out more about Mitraspera e.V. here: https://mitraspera.org
(Resource: mitraspera.org)