ITL The elementsongs of the Ouai

Aus Mythopedia
Urheber:innen:Sarah Kisliuk, David Schmitt
Mitwirkende:weitere Autor:innen


Trough candlelight and sunshine,

Through oven, and hot stone,

Through flame, ask and firesparkle,

I call you, the power of fire!

The life burns in fireshine,

Who the light knows, will always be!


Through light breeze, strong breeze and storm,

Through whirlwind and claudstorm,

Through leaf whispering, cold smoke,

I call you, the power of air !

Life is like levitation, it's breathing,

A breath is vanishing, it will be forever!


Through fountain, river and silent lake,

Through fog, dew and snow,

Through rain, ice rain, ice crystal,

Through wave, waterfall,

I call you, the power of water !

Life is drinking heavens wine,

Death things are stinking, will be forever !


Through hill, dale and mountainrocks,

Through meadow, hedge, field and wood,

Through twig, green leafs,

Thorugh humans, sand and dust,

I call you, the power of earth!

Life is breaking stone,

Comes to light, will be forever!


Through starlight and sun storm, out of the middle and omnipresent,

Through the spell who units everything and ties everthing

Together for beginning and end, for near and far, for now and anytime,

I call you, the power of magic !

Life is starting with magic,

The spell goes on, it will be forever!

Übersetzt / translated by

Sullivan Fireheart